A little bit about information and society

Archive for April, 2011

Call for Papers – Social and Digital Inclusions in Networks

By on April 27, 2011 in Announcements, Digital divide/s with 6 Comments
Call for Papers – Social and Digital Inclusions in Networks

This mini-track calls for papers that study social and digital inclusion in networks at different levels. In the forthcoming conference, we would like to emphasize four areas: (i) connections between off-line divides and on-line divides; (ii) inequalities within and among communities; (iii) information and communication technologies for development; and (iv) inequalities between users with respect to social and digital divides. Possible levels at which to examine such areas include international, national, local, sector, communal, and individual. Both empirical and theoretical papers are invited. Building on the success of this mini-track from the past nine HICSS conferences, we invite submissions to the 2011 mini-track on social networking and communities.

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Network Theory

Network Theory

On February 2010 a bunch of network scholars (including me) convened in a workshop in USC (the Annenberg School) to talk about Network Theory. The strength of the workshop was in its ability to bring interdisciplinary perspectives about network theory to one table. The videos, powerpoints and reports of each one of the talks is available on the ANN (Annenberg Networks Network) website.

As a result, the IJoC (International Journal of Communication) dedicated a volume to network theory.

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