Social and Digital Inclusions in Networks Minitrack at HICSS
Welcome to the official page of the minitrack of social networking and communities at HICSS
In this page you can find all the papers from past years and also the Call for Papers of the current year.
This minitrack has been part of HICSS since 2007, This minitrack attracts papers that address issues of digital divide/s, inequalities and inclusions in different levels, methods and perspectives. The focus is on international, national, local, sector, communal, and individual level. In this page you can find all the papers from past years.
More specifically, papers in this minitrack include studying basic factors which impact digital divide/s like infrastructure factors, access to technology, socio-demographic factors, affordability, use, skills, accessibility and the role of governments and communities in such processes. It addresses indigenous communities and their interactions with technology, the role of ICT (Information, Communications and Technologies) in development and more.
Papers from Past Years
HICSS-44 (2011)
Mini-Track Chair: KarineNahon and Narcyz Roztocki
- Different Paths to Broadband Access: The Impact of Governance and Policy on Broadband Diffusion in the Developed and Developing Worlds By David Yates, Girish J. Gulati and Joseph W. Weiss [* Received Best Paper of the track]
- Gender and Public Access ComputingL An International Perspective By Allison Terry and Ricardo Gomez
- Technology Diffusion in the Society: Analyzing Digital Divide in the Context of Social Class By Sunil Wattal, Yili Hong, Munir Mandviwalla and Abhijit Jain
HICSS-43 (2010)
Mini-Track Chair: Karine Barzilai-Nahon and Narcyz Roztocki
- A Strategy for Evaluating Socio-Economic Outcomes of an ICT4D Programme By Shaun Pather and Corrie Uys
- Bloggers Vs. “AOL Users”: A Digital Divide of Use and Literacy By Gillian Andrews
- Explaining the Global Digital Divide: The Impact of Public Policy Initiatives on Digital Opportunity and ICT Development By David J. Yates, Girish J. Gulati and Anas Tawileh
- Research Directions on the Role and Impact of ICT in Microfinance By Robert J. Kauffman and Frederick J. Riggins
- Using Digital Media for Entertainment – The Other Side of the Digital Divide in India By Sarita Seshagiri and Jan Blom
HICSS-42 (2009)
Mini-Track Chair: Karine Barzilai-Nahon and Narcyz Roztocki
- Local-Global: Reconciling Mismatched Ontologies in Development Information Systems By Jessica Seddon Wallack and Ramesh Srinivasan
- Social Ties, Literacy, Location and the Perception of Economic Opportunity: Factors Influencing Telecentre Success in a Development Context By Arlene Bailey and Ojelanki Ngwenyama
- Understanding Global Digital Inequality: The Impact of Government, Investment in Business and Technology, and Socioeconomic Factors on Technology Utilization By Rasool Azari and James B. Pick
- An Assessment of Venues Providing Public Access to ICT: A Tale of 25 Countries By Christopher Coward , Ricardo Gomez and Rucha Ambikar
HICSS-41 (2008)
Mini-Track Chair: Karine Barzilai-Nahon and Narcyz Roztocki
- Transcending the Digital Divide: A Framing Analysis of Information and Communication Technologies News in Native American Tribal Newspapers By Sajda Qureshi and Teresa Trumbly-Lamsam
- Digital Usage Behavior: A Sense Making Perspective By James B. Freedman and John C. Henderson
- Factors Influencing Users’ Intentions to Make the Web Accessible to People with Disabilities By Karine Barzilai-Nahon, Izak Benbasat and Nancy Lou
- Understanding the Factors Influencing the Attitude Toward and the Use of Mobile Technology in Developing Countries: A Model of Cellular Phone Use in Guinea By Bangaly Kaba, Koffi N’Da and Victor Mbarika
- Connecting Communities of Need with Public Health: Can SMS Text-Messaging Improve Outreach Communication? By Elizabeth Avery Gomez
- Rethinking the Digital Divide: Towards a Path of Digital Effectiveness
Corlane Barclay By Evan W. Duggan
HICSS-40 (2007)
Mini-Track Chair: Karine Barzilai-Nahon
- Social Facilitators and Inhibitors to Online Fluency By Caroline Haythornthwaite
- Telecommunications Stakeholder Perceptions of Teledensity: A Comparison of Stakeholders in the Latin American Region to those in Sub-Saharan Africa By Victor Mbarika, Peter Meso and Philip Musa
- Overcoming the Digital Divide through Electronic Commerce: Harnessing opportunities in IT for Development By Sajda Qureshi and Alanah Davis
- Re-conceptualizing the digital divide: a knowledge-based approach By William Tibben
- A History of Indonesian Telecommunication Reform 1999-2006 By Susan Eick