A little bit about information and society

Social and Digital Inclusions in Networks Minitrack at HICSS

Welcome to the official page of the minitrack of social networking and communities at HICSS

In this page you can find all the papers from past years and also the Call for Papers of the current year.


This minitrack has been part of HICSS since 2007, This minitrack attracts papers that address issues of digital divide/s, inequalities and inclusions in different levels, methods and perspectives. The focus is on international, national, local, sector, communal, and individual level. In this page you can find all the papers from past years.

More specifically, papers in this minitrack include studying basic factors which impact digital divide/s like infrastructure factors, access to technology, socio-demographic factors, affordability, use, skills, accessibility and the role of governments and communities in such processes. It addresses indigenous communities and their interactions with technology, the role of ICT (Information, Communications and Technologies) in development and more.

Papers from Past Years

HICSS-44 (2011)

Mini-Track Chair: KarineNahon and Narcyz Roztocki

HICSS-43 (2010)

Mini-Track Chair: Karine Barzilai-Nahon and Narcyz Roztocki

HICSS-42 (2009)

Mini-Track Chair: Karine Barzilai-Nahon and Narcyz Roztocki

HICSS-41 (2008)

Mini-Track Chair: Karine Barzilai-Nahon and Narcyz Roztocki

HICSS-40 (2007)

Mini-Track Chair: Karine Barzilai-Nahon
