A little bit about information and society

Tag: Digital natives

Why Facebook does not Reign Supreme Among Young Adults? Cool Infographics may be Misleading.

Why Facebook does not Reign Supreme Among Young Adults? Cool Infographics may be Misleading.

If you look carefully at the poll, you will notice that this beautiful infographic may be misleading (like every other visualization). Many young adults have accounts on Facebook and Google +. Why? They opened an account because their friends were there, or because it was a great way to communicate with others. But having an account doesn’t mean that they are really active. In other words, we are confusing ‘subscriptions’ with ‘real activity’. This infographic doesn’t show us what are the usage patterns of young adults; It doesn’t show how many inactive accounts Facebook has; it doesn’t shoe how many people use Google+ just because they want to use hangout, which Google+ has combined together.

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Executives: Don’t try to change the Net Generation

Executives: Don’t try to change the Net Generation

Bob Mason and I conducted a study about how executives in organizations perceive the entrance of the “net generation” into the workplace. Researchers (see Tapscott for example) refer to the Net Generation as the generation of people born between 1978-1994. They label them as such because of the researchers’ perceptions of this generation as growing […]

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The Organizational Impact of Digital Natives

By on December 8, 2008 in Announcements, Culture, Research Updates with 1 Comment
The Organizational Impact of Digital Natives

The last years yielded many studies in industry and academia in attempt to understand what implications young people who use technology frequently and heavily have on society. The next generation of employees in modern societies that have grown up in a world surrounded by connectivity and digital tools are called digital natives. While some researchers […]

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