My research deals with information policy and politics. More specifically, I deal with three areas of studies: (1) Information control (gatekeeping); (2) Digital divide; and (3) E-Gov and E-Business in comparative analysis.
Threads of Research
Information Control
Digital Divide
E2ECA: eGovernment and eBusiness Comparative Analysis
My interests in examining information policy and politics are embedded in my academic background and training in computer science, political science and management of information systems. In my research I integrate these three fields of knowledge and consequently I wish to produce a value-added, inter and multi-disciplinary perspective and new questions.
The drive of my research comes from the belief in the ability of academia and research to change and evolve society. Research should have an impact on the scholastic community as well as the larger society. I am a great believer in making a difference through research and leading society through paths of knowledge and experience and change of awareness. My impact as a scholar may incite stakeholders to look at certain phenomena from different lenses.
My motivation and interest are embedded in integrative philosophy of research and teaching:
1) Integrating conceptual and empirical research. All of my projects combine both angles. Believing in a circulatory evolvement of life, I conceptualize theories and questions along empirical investigation in order to evolve new theory or refining existing theories.
2) Playing with different methodologies. In my research I try to combine various methodologies parallel, so for example, I combine qualitative and quantitative methods together, or use various qualitative approaches to address the same question.
3) Although my main interest and focus lies in first or second-degree questions, which are considered as high-level questions, my research addresses different levels of unit analysis – from a micro perspective until an holistic view of a phenomena.
4) Following the integrative approach I believe in, all my projects rely on an inter and multi-disciplinary approach.
5) Finally, an interesting thing I found is that all my projects have a common denominator even if they are dealing with another topic. This denominator is the focus of questions, and the prism that is taken to address these questions – a political angle. So my different projects are also integrated.
My larger questions focus on the intersection of information and power, that is, understanding inter-relations among stakeholders, and the politics of these relationships. All of my projects circle around these topics. The most interesting thing about information is the transformation of its role, purpose, the ways in which it is being conceived and its meanings for power in different contexts. Hence, I would like to analyze how power and politics are being manifested in different contexts through information, and what are the reasons for such manifestations.
The diagram above represents the main three threads of my research that are embedded in the conceptual umbrella of information policy and politics.